October 11-18: Males in Female Sports Supplement. 14-y.o girl speaks out on pain and anger losing to boy claiming he's a girl
Plus: Mountain West Volleyball rebel updates
So much crap happening, we have to report on this in a separate supplement.
Males in Female Sports
October 17, 2024 - (UK) English cricket to ban transgender players at elite level – but not in community game (Archive Link)
Transgender women are to be banned from professional and semi-professional women’s cricket in England, but men and boys who identify as women or girls will still be able to play in women’s and girl’s grass-roots competitions. It is not enough! Scroll down a few entries in this post to see what 14-y.o. Annaleigh Wilson says on this discrimination and mental abuse on minor girls and women.
October 16, 2024 - Trans row rocks pool championship: Female player beats trans woman opponent in final following scandal over who should be able to play in gender categories

Welshwoman Kirsty-Lee Davies, a biological female, triumphed over Harriet Haynes - a man ID as “transgender”👨🏻, at the latest Ultimate Pool Group tournament. The tournament entrants included 64 biological females and 2 men who says they’re “transgender”👨🏻🧔. In one farcical semifinal round, the two men actually faced off each other.
October 15, 2024 - Man named Women's Footballer of the Year contender
Insanity continues with BBC nominating Barbra Banda, a male posing identifying as a woman 👨🏾, as Women’s Footballer of the Year.
October 10, 2024 - Girl, 14, bravely details her disappointment and anger of losing track meet to trans athlete
As there are no adults in the room in our schools anymore and the insane are running the asylum, minor female athletes are left to fend for themselves. Annaleigh Wilson, a 14-y.o. freshman at Eastmount High in Washington State, broke down in tears as she spoke publicly about came in second place at the Cashmere Junior Olympics regional track meet 1,600-meter race on May 18 against a male competitor 🙎♂️ in a female race. As always, the female competitors were not forewarned. This is always done by stealth, catching female athletes off guard, which is despicable in how the women are forced to mentally deal with the shock and blow just as they are about to compete.
The subjugation of girls to boys by trans activist adults and their total disregard for the girls’ safety, rights, and mental health are despicable. The unwillingness of adults to step up for our girls is unconscionable.
October 7, 2024 - How a 55-Year-Old Data Analyst 👨🏻 Beat a Pro Cycling Team
This article is absolute gaslighting pretending the man won by using some kind of super science data. Let’s call it what it is. This 55-y.o. “Fran” Brambush, who no titles, no pedigree, no UCI team, beat the to her female PRO competitors and won because He Is A Man. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.
Latest on the NCAA Mountain West Conference Women’s Volleyball Saga
October 17, 2024 - 'We didn't want to play against a male player': Transgender issue pits female volleyball players against their own university
The fall out involving women’s volleyball and the NCAA Mountain West Conference continues. Following the forfeiture by four other university women’s teams (Southern Utah University, Boise State University, University of Wyoming, and Utah State University), the women’s volleyball team at the University of Nevada decided to forfeit an upcoming Oct. 26 match against San Jose State University which team includes Braydon “Blaire” Fleming, a male student identifying as transgender 👨.
Shamefully, after these brave young women took a stand, the University of Nevada released a counter statement reversing the team’s official decision and announcing that the university would proceed with the match, but individual players may opt out and would not be penalized for their refusals.
Oct 14, 2024 - Statement regarding University of Nevada, Reno women's volleyball
Nevada President Brian Sandoval Releases Statement regarding Recent Nevada Volleyball Controversy
Basically, the university is hiding behind “the law”. LAME! If they cared at all for their female athletes, they could have issued an opinion to strongly support their team, criticize their government, and call for a change to their Constitution. Instead, they’re like other university “leaders” today—spineless bureaucrats with no moral clarity.
The good news is, the women on the Nevada U team are sticking to their guns. And unlike the spineless squishes who run their school, the governor of Nevada, Joe Lombado, isn’t afraid to voice his support for them. On X/Twitter:
Meanwhile, Colorado State chose to play nice and proceeded with a match against “Blaire”. For their kindness, “Blaire” repaid them with a vicious smash in the face against one of their players.
October 11, 2024 - Transgender San Jose State volleyball player Blaire Fleming who’s provoked forfeits spikes ball in opponent’s face
Yep. As we had already seen at the Olympics, men smashing women in their faces is now spectator sport.
We also want you to know, the female athletes on San Jose State U’s own team are in no way behind this travesty. It turns out, SJSU is concerned only for Fleming. The needs and concerns of their female volleyball team athletes are all subject to whatever Fleming needs. On Megyn Kelly’s show this week, SJSJ team’s co-captain Brooke Slusser exposed what happened at their school, and how SJSU deprived her of her right to consent while accommodating completely to Fleming’s wish who he would room with. (This really calls to mind how, historically, a court of administrators would present a group of young women for their monarch or emperor to pick and choose which ones would be his consort.)
As we’ve previously reported, Brook Slusser has joined the class action lawsuit by Independent Council of Women’s Sports against the Biden administration for Title IX violation.
Op-Eds of Interest
Transgender Sports Is a 2024 Sleeper Issue; Democratic Sens. Brown, Tester and Baldwin are all under fire for their votes (Wall Street journal)
If you believe that trans women (or other men) should be allowed to compete against biological women in most sports or that they belong in women's restrooms, locker rooms and prisons then you are either cognitively impaired or intellectually dishonest.
Great post. Good point about stealth males unsettling unsuspecting female athletes with their big male bodies - at the starting line. Could not have dreamed up a more effective psyche out. Guess what! Bye bye!