Weekly News Roundup: 1/27-2/2/2023
FUBAR in Scotland: GRA backfires on Nicola Sturgeon. Trans-identifying male indecent exposures toward girls in locker rooms. We're now on Twitter!
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Top News: FUBAR in Scotland

This week, the conflict between transgender ideology and women’s rights came to a head in the spectacular FUBAR in Scotland. Here’s a recap:
12/22/2022 - Gender Recognition Reform Bill passed.
Disregarding overwhelming public disapproval, Nicola Sturgeon led the Scottish Parliament to pass the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, allowing men to self-ID as women and apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate, which would entitle them to enter any woman’s spaces and enjoy all women’s rights. The Bill also lowered the age for applying for a GRC to 16.
1/16/2023 - UK government blocks Scotland's gender reform bill in constitutional first
Scotland’s Bill conflicted with UK’s own gender recognition laws and Equality Act, resulting in Westminster to vote to invoke for the very first time a Section 35 order under the 1998 Scotland Act to block a Scottish legislation. (See also: For the first time, the UK has used Section 35 to veto a Scottish law. Here's what that means.)
1/26/2023 - Male rapist transitions before trial, sent to all-female prison as transgender woman
Sturgeon GRA that shook heaven and earth bringing the UK to the verge of Constitutional crisis backfired spectacularly when violent rapist Adam Graham, was convicted on January 24 on two counts of sexual assault. While awaiting trial, Graham “transitioned” and changed his name to Isla Bryson. When the High Court in Glasgow ruled that Bryson is a vulnerable trans woman and not a predatory male, and sent him to the Cornton Vale women’s prison, public outrage ensued.
1/26/2023 - Isla Bryson: Estranged wife says rapist's change of gender 'was a sham'
Bryson’s ex-wife said his “transition” is a sham.
1/26/2023 - Nicola Sturgeon says trans rapist will be moved from female prison
The fiasco left Sturgeon with eggs on her face, forcing her to U-turn and announce Bryson would not be held in a female prison after all but will be sent to a male prison, while also claiming Bryson is, a “woman”.
1/29/2023 - Scotland pauses movement of all transgender prisoners while rules reviewed
Following intense backlash, Scotland has paused all transfers of male inmates to women’s prisons.
One would think that would be the end, but on the stage of the Theatre of the Absurd, Sturgeon & Co. continue to argue and defend:
1/30/2023 - Violent trans criminals are women, says Nicola Sturgeon's justice secretary
1/30/2023 - Nicola Sturgeon struggles in TV interview as she's grilled on trans prisoner policy (see also ITV video interview in JK Rowling tweet below)
1/30/2023 - Nicola Sturgeon: No apology over transgender prisoner row
1/27/2023 - Nicola Sturgeon: Some gender reform critics using women's rights to hide bigotry
Someone please save Team Sturgeon from themselves and tell them their train-wreck performance is not a good look given:
1/27/2023 - Isla Bryson: Scottish college students ‘asked to strip in front of transgender rapist’
While awaiting trial, Bryson enrolled in a beauty school course at Ayrshire College. In fear of being accused of “transphobia”, the school allowed him to participate in a class when female students were required to strip naked
1/29/2023 - Ex-prisoner was 'shaking with fear' while sharing shower block with violent trans inmates at Scots prison
Former inmate Amanda Benson recounts terror of being locked up with two trans prisoners, one convicted of murder and the other domestic violence, who walked around communal shower area naked and aroused while female women inmates had only a curtain to protect themselves in shower cubicles.
The fiasco led to numerous articles and commentaries. We can’t cover them all so here are a few:
1/31/2023 - Scotland’s gender reform plans ‘offer no safeguards against transgender predators’
1/30/2023 - Why liberals keep being fooled in the gender debate
1/30/2023 - Nicola Sturgeon and the vindication of the Terfs
1/27/2023 - A Scottish transgender rapist has exposed Nicola Sturgeon’s dangerous complacency
1/27/2023 - The trans rapist scandal has destroyed Nicola Sturgeon
Despite Westminster holding the line against Holyrood’s trans insanity, the ugly, furious misogyny behind trans ideology was exposed in full view during the UK Parliament’s debate on the issue. When Tory MP Miriam Cates criticized the Scottish Bill during her speech, Labor PM Russell-Moyle screamed abuses at her and purposely move to take a seat on the opposite side to intimidate her and stared her down.
1/28/2023 - Forget Andrew Tate – what about the host of misogynists in Labour’s ranks?
1/20/2023 - Labour has a ‘woman problem’ bordering on sexism
Miriam Cates talked in details what went down, as well as the problems with the GRA, in a recent episode on the Brendan O’Neill podcast: Why we need women-only spaces
Sadly, in other countries:
FUBAR in Scotland notwithstanding, self-ID gender laws continue to barrel forward in full-steam to the detriments of women in other parts of the world.
Abigail Shrier and The City Journal released this outstanding and eye-opening investigative report on California:
Also in self-ID news:
2/1/2023 - Parliament passes long-awaited amendments to Finland's transgender law
2/1/2023 - Scotland scandalized by trans sex offenders in women's prisons as Canada ignores it
5/31/2022 - Female Inmate Reports Rape Occurred in California Women’s Prison
At least, JK Rowling is vindicated
This week, we learned JK Rowling had quietly rescued hundreds of Afghan women. When Biden’s catastrophic, chaotic US military pull out from Kabul left all Afghanistan women to rot under the Talibans, Rowling donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charter private planes help female lawyers and their families flee Afghanistan.
On Twitter, she gave no quarters roasting Nicola Sturgeon as the FUBAR in Scotland unfolded.

And to her critics:

Erasing Women and Women’s Safe Spaces
2/1/2023 - (Canada) Protests launched against naked man in the little girls changing room in Saskatoon pool
Saskatoon parents are protesting after a man who identified as a female repeatedly walked around naked in the girls changing room during young children’s swimming lesson times at the Shaw Centre.
1/31/2023 - (Ohio, USA) Transgender woman facing indecent exposure charges for using female locker room at Xenia YMCA
Rachel Glines, a trans-identifying man in Dayton, has been charged in 3 counts of indent exposure for parading naked with his dick hanging out in the women’s changing room in front of women and girls at the Xenia YMCA.
Kim McCarthy, chair of the Greene County Democratic Party, tried to fault Republican city officials, saying they’re focusing on this (as if such focus is wrong) instead of inflation and good paying jobs. Dear Ms. McCarthy, when you’re defending a grown man’s right to expose his penis to little girls, it is you who’ve lost the plot.
1/27/2023 (California) Transgender Male at Center of YMCA Locker Room Controversy Shared Disturbing Images of Young Girls
Following up the other YMCA indecent exposure in Santee, Reduxx’s investigation discovered that Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, the 66-year-old trans-identifying man at the center of the controversy, has a history of posting disturbing photos of young girls on his social media. In a San Diego Times news article, Wood also called Rebecca Phillips, the 17-year-old minor who reported her indecent exposure, a “little witch”.
Males in Female Sports
1/30/2023 - Athletes start to turn the tide in the trans debate
Pushed to the wall by the latest proposal of World Athletics, the governing body of track and field, to allow transgender athletes to continue in the women's category, some female athletes have no choice but to speak out. Here are reports of athletes who voiced public objections: Amelia Strickler, Beth Dobbin, Emily Diamond and Ellie Baker, and Eilish McColgan.
Sex Discrimination
1/31/2023 - Journalism is failing women: We deserve to know the sex of dangerous criminals
For all the media outrage about misinformation, Western Main Stream Media outlets are themselves currently committing the most blatant act of Misinformation. In fear of committing the mortal sin of “misgendering”, the entire Western MSM has changed its stylistic rule to use female pronouns to describe trans-identifying and “nonbinary” male criminals, including rapists and pedophiles, in news reports, leading the public to conclude these crimes were committed by women.
The MSM industry never announced this major change to their style sheets to the unsuspecting public, which still think of women in terms of biological sex. Further, with few exceptions, they had broken from their customary practice of showing mug shots or photos of the criminal when the offender is a trans-identifying man. Their news reports involving such men usually include no photo of the offender in order to obscure and hide the offender’s sex.
1/29/2023 - Watch: Inexperienced Trans Figure Skater Performs At European Championship With Hilarious Results
In a push to score in the World Championship race for Virtue Signal Points, Finland showcased a trans-identifying male skater way past his Olympic prime in the opening ceremony of the recent European Skating Championship. The stunt fulfilled the 59-years-old’s lifelong dream of falling all over the place before a world-wide audience and going viral as a laughingstock on Twitter and the internet. The New Zealand Fruit Farm has yet to confirm whether the stunning and brave she/they is now an official lolcow.
News Impacting Society and Children
1/30/2023 - On Scientific Transparency, Researcher Degrees Of Freedom, And That NEJM Study On Youth Gender Medicine
Jesse Singal breaks down in details shoddy science behind New England Journal of Medicine’s paper on study taking place at four major youth gender clinics on Transgender Youth Care in the United States. The research results are being touted as solid evidence that hormones improve the well-being of trans youth. But in fact, NEJM’s paper was employing the left-wing’s tactic of Misinformation by Omission (as opposed to the right-wing tactic of fake news). The NEJM cherry-picked data for its report to include only positive results, while omitting many other major areas, or omitting investigation on major relevant areas altogether.
Op-Eds of Interest
A Message to Those Recently Opining on a Risk to Women Prisoners (We highly recommend this very cartharic read)
“Nothing” is still something: Aggression against women comes in many forms
The deconstruction of women: Don’t misuse biology to hide the nature of sex
(UK) Starmer isn’t working for women: His softening stance on gender ideology can't be trusted
this is brilliant. thank you. so much information. the media reporting male crimes as being committed by women has been going on here in new zealand for quite a while and it infuriates me. our department of statistics will be doing the same thing. what this will do to public attitudes and allocation of resources in the not too distant future is mind blowing. it is wrong wrong wrong.