Today we share with you a valuable list of resources for parents submitted to us by Erin Friday, the co-lead of the West Coast Chapter of Our Duty, an international group of parents with gender-confused kids and their allies.
Erin's daughter was trans-identified for almost 2 years, starting in 2019. Luckily, her daughter desisted and returned to accepting her female body. There were few resources in 2019. But as more and more people wake up to the harms of the gender industry, more groups, including medical groups have formed to combat the greatest medical scandal in our lifetime.
Erin is often asked to provide easy-to-read materials by parents who discover that their children are gender-questioning as well as fact sheets to help people understand that being gender critic is not homophobic, hateful and is rooted in science. The materials she submitted below provide the basics for why parents and other should reject the gender affirmation care model that is held up as the ONLY permissible treatment for them by pro-trans schools, teachers, medical personnel, and trans activists. These materials can aid in your conversations with others to persuade them that transgenderism is not about civil rights but is harmful ideology that if not stopped will erase women and children alike.
We thank Erin for sharing these very important and valuable resources, and we hope they will help avoid some of the typical mistakes made by the parent due to fear and lack of information.
For information on de-transitioners, check out also Detrans Voices at:
How to be a Trans-Educated Rational Parent by Parents by the Substack Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT):
Side Effects of Puberty Blockers: On Our Duty’s website is a downloadable fact sheet in pdf format of all the negative side effects of puberty blockers and x-sex hormones. The side effects mentioned are not hyperbole and there are citations for each of the claims...even the University of San Francisco (UCSF) and Planned Parenthood admit to many of the side effects mentioned here, although they bury the most damning information. Fact Sheets: Our Duty’s website has additional simple fact sheets about many issues related to transgenderism, including why the suicide threat is overstated, and why transgenderism is not the same as gay rights.
Please pay special attention to the graph on detransitioners: as more people transition, more people realize it was a mistake.The Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine is the best medical website concerning our countries' positions, and the science, or lack there of. SEGM reports on the facts, and their "aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria." Do No Harm is another medical group that is reporting on the medical aspects. Jesse Singal has written many articles ripping apart the trans-ideological medical papers purporting to conclude that gender interventions prevent suicide, help mental health and are safe and effective for treating gender dysphoria.
www.SEGM.orgPartners for Ethical Care Podcast: The best podcasts are found on Partners for Ethical Care website:, Desist and Detox: For help bringing the child back to reality, read Detrans, Desist and Detox by Maria Keffler.
Also, new, unexpected cancers seen in trans-identifying young people ...for instance, liver cancers diagnosed in 17-year-old girls on testosterone, and brain tumors seen in trans-identifying males on estrogen.1
And, then, finally...know the facts. There are alternatives to affirmation, and social affirmation is step one to full medical transition...a fact recognized by the gender health care industry as each medicalized, transitioned child can eventually net $1.5 Million.
Our Duty, a small charitable organization that started out in the U.K., helps families navigate having a gender dysphoric/ trans-identifying child, and provides appropriate resources. Beyond the U.K., this organization now has chapters in many countries around the world, including Canada, the UK, the US and Australia.
If you want to join in advocacy, fill out the contact sheet:
This information was provide by Erin Friday. Our Substack has not independently verified this, and thus are not able to offer our own opinion in any way. All opinions and content provided by our guest contributors are their own unless otherwise specified. Our goal is to aggregate news and information, and be the hub for all resources.