Thanks Eileen. This is almost a 'joyful' read! I'm from Dutch descend but I've never heard of that weird 'women beating' event on that Frisian/German island. A well kept secret. Beating women for entertainment since the early 1800! I remember learning children's songs at primary school that also had 'wife beating' in it. The HIStory of violence against women goes back for millennia! Marilyn French's 4 volume series of books, her life work; The History of Women of the World, starts in pre-historic times. She describes in detail how in all cultures and continents, women's uprisings are continuously suppressed. She also highlights places/countries where women once ruled. A hard read but a must read since no one ever mentions Marilyn's important record of historical patriarchal misogyny and violent oppression of women. 'Transgenderism' is just another variety of this!

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Thank you, Margo! I hope that the sentiment expressed is not overly victorious, but we certainly have been feeling a shift recently. The war is of course far from over- for instance the government of Alberta is now being sued over the legislation discussed in this newletter. I don't think Canada's Supreme Court have addressed specifically this new gender ideology. So we will have to see how that goes. But it sure feels good to have some rays of light, doesn't it?? I'm so very appreciateive of the brave women who have been holding the line for all women. Thank you for the info about French's works. That sounds facinating -- I would love to get ahold of those volumes!

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Marilyn's work also gets suppressed of course. We must request libraries to have these books on the shelves. I did with my local library but so far only 2 volumes are there, and still hidden in their catalogues too. It's frustrating!

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I'm going to look for this series.


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This is Volume 4 that is particularly informative for feminist struggle in the 21st Century. https://www.feministpress.org/books-a-m/from-eve-to-dawn-a-history-of-women-in-the-world-volume-iv

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